You may not have the bravado of George S. Patton, or the presence of Douglas MacArthur, or the
brains of... uh... some smart guy, but... where was I going with this? Oh, right! But don't let
that stop you.
It is your job to remind your team why they're here, and why they made you, of all
people, their leader.
Head Doctor
A cephalic exchange transplant is the medical term for cutting off someone's head and replacing
it with a different (better) one. There is much debate about whether this counts as a
head transplant or a body transplant.
However, far fewer questions are ever asked about what happens to the first head.
Teufort Tango
It takes two to tango! Or, in this case, it takes one to tango while the other flails
around like a ragdoll. In fact, it's hardly even a tango.
Seduce your team (and Scout's mother) with these fancy dance moves.
Killer Signature
Prove to your enemy that you can write your own name more-or-less legibly by leaving an
autograph on their corpse. Team-colored felt-tip pen and Sports Illustrated-quality headshots
Road Rager
This light utility vehicle was gifted to the Heavy by survivors of the Tambov Rebellion of 1920
for his efforts against the Soviet government. However, it is not clear how they would feel
about its new purpose in life: Making everyone who ever cut you off in traffic regret
that decision.
Killer Joke
Physical comedy is by far the oldest form of humor - the earliest known example of which being
the timeless classic, Use Poke Stick Make Mammoth Step on Grug.
Unfortunately, those cavemen lacked one thing which would have elevated its comedic value
substantially - the drum kit. Win any comedic stand-off with this all-class humor amplification